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Preventing Barking & Lunging on Leash

Missed the live group class? Worry Free Walks is available as a self study!

  • deep dive into how your reactive dog thinks, feels, and learns

  • learn how to avoid your dog's triggers so your dog can recover from chronic stress

  • teach your dog what TO do (instead of barking and lunging)

  • learn therapeutic games to help your dog feel better about their triggers

overwhelmed by planning your dog's day?

Introducing: Your Dog's Enrichment Menu!

Simplify your decision making process by writing yourself a cheat sheet: complete with apps, mains, sides, and desserts.

Appetizers: quick activities you can do with your dog in 5-10 minutes (quick training session, game of tug, walk around the block, etc)


Mains: activities that truly fill your dog's cup (long hike, train something new, off leash or longline time in a safe area, etc.)


Sides: passive activities your dog can do without you (scatter feeding in grass, snuffle mat, kibble in a puzzle toy, etc)


Desserts: things that are fun in moderation but not good for your dog in excess (repetitive, high arousal games like fetch, high calorie treats, etc.)

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Tilly the Trainer LLC

Atlanta, GA​​

Looking forward to talking to you!

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